Apple Logo Is Forbidden Fruit & Promotes Disobeying GOD, First Apple Sold For $666.66 (Devil Alien Face In Logo)

The popular Apple logo is directly from the Garden of Eden in the bible. Promoting a apple with a bite taken from it says: "WE LOVE THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT WE WERE TOLD NOT TO EAT." The serpent (or Snake/Devil/Lucifer) in the Garden of Eden told Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and they would be like GOD, and they did. Lucifer promotes Apples!

Apple promotes the original sin and the first act of disobedience. A apple with a bite taken from it as a logo is directly mocking GOD, according to the bible. It says we liked doing what GOD said NOT to do, and we condone that type of behavior. This is Satan worshipping. Disobeying GOD and promoting that type of behavior sounds like your on the side of Satan. 

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