Don't Praise The Lord, Praise GOD: The LORD Is Bad And His Name Is....? (The Real Life Mr. Burns)

(*Please Listen To The Message by the Lords and self proclaimed rulers starts at 1:30) The word Lord in the bible was originally "Yahweh" and was changed  to "Lord" to hide GOD, and praise Earthly men who call themselves lord. Lord David Rothschild is apart of the infamous Rothschild Family. The Rothschilds, along with the Rockefellers and a few other families, literally run the world. This family has influence over every major event in the world. Lord David Rothschild is said to be the real life Mr. Burns from the Simpsons cartoon. Their TRUE message to the world is in this video starting at 1:30. 
They are said to be of the bloodline of extraterrestrials and have enough money to feed, cloth, and house every human on Earth. They control everything. This is why they like to call themselves "Lord." 
Praising the lord is praising this man. Many other super powerful men also go by the name "Lord." They have designed the system (that they control)  to have it's people praise them. People are tricked into praising the Lord instead of praising GOD, the actual true creator. 

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